Gate width
Appropriate entry space allows to enter and exit the property comfortably. Of course, it depends on the width of the land plot and the driveway itself. You can adjust the width of the entrance gate according to your expectations.

Gate height
We produce our gates in 3 standard heights 112/142/172 cm. However, please remember that trolleys raise the gate by 8 cm and the final height is 120/150/180 cm.
Hot-dip galvanized
Gates are hot-dip galvanized by immersing in baths of molten zinc at 500C so that the zinc gets into all nooks, providing a solid protection against corrosion. This ensures the gate’s longevity.

Walk gate
While you are looking for a gate, don't forget about a walk gate. The walk gates that we offer match our gates both in size and design.
Każda brama wyposażona jest w dwa słupki. Słupek stabilizujący i słupek najazdowy. Do bram 112 i 142 cm dostępne są słupki o wysokości 2m zaś dla bram 172cm słupki o wysokości 2,4m. Słupki wykonane są z profili zamkniętych o wymiarach 80x80mm lub 100x100mm w zależności od wymiaru bramy. Do słupków dołączamy plastikowe daszki.
Dzięki temu, że każdy słupek posiada stopę Klient ma możliwość wyboru metody montażu - zatopienia w fundamencie z betonu lub przykręcenia na kotwy chemiczne.

Gate motor
You can choose a manually opened gate or equip it with a safe and practical motor.
Our offer includes BENINCA gate motors: BULL5 up to 500kg or BULL 8 up to 800kg. These are products by an Italian company with 40 years of experience in motor production. The motors are manufactured in a factory in Italy, not China.
A set of accessories for the gate can be purchased at an additional cost. We offer 5- or 8-wheel trolley assembly kits. The kit includes 2 steel trolleys (adjustable, tilting), top guide roller, lower guide roller, track and gate limit stop. These are Polish-made carts on good-quality bearings. The assembly kits fully match our gates with regard to dimensions. 5-Wheel kits are dedicated to smaller or less frequently used gates. 8-Wheel kits are dedicated to bigger or more heavily used gates.